
So, I had this dream in February, 2018, and just found it again, now. It goes like this:

I wandered into some kind of gathering place, lots of people were already assembled. I was looking around for people I knew and noticed that there were people sitting on the branches of trees all around the people gathered on the ground. I spotted a few familiar people in different places, and I wondered where I should go.

There was a book of different themes, there were so many, I was looking through and really having a hard time deciding. I don’t really remember most of them, but I came to a page that said “Home” and I knew that was it. That was my focus. I was really sure of it.

But for some reason, before I had a chance to find the group related to that, everyone got into a formation and started walking away, like everyone was in their place in a line. I was walking alongside, feeling like I should move with them, anyway. And there was a man there who I felt was overseeing, I felt a bit apprehensive that he might notice that I was standing out. But he took my hand and walked along with me, speaking some kind of poetry to me. And it was good, I guess I was welcome wherever.