….We’re Back!

Welcome, welcome, old followers and new explorers!

I am very excited to be working on this relaunch!

I have made some great strides in learning where my own focus, skills and passions lie and what I would most like to share and to offer out into the world!

Over these next few months, I’ll be adding new content in some exciting new areas. I will still be doing some regular blog posts and sharing poems, but I will have a new focus on creating and sharing some tutorials, and focusing more on the potential for healing in the space between the mundane and challenging events of our lives, and our own creative expressions or interpretations of how all things fit within the stories of our lives.

I’ll be sharing as I go along my own journey of balancing parenting with self-work, my chores with my most sacred work and recreation, and I hope that sharing my own genuine experience – the troubles as well as the treasures I uncover – may encourage and inspire you to dig a little deeper into yourself along your own path!

I welcome any feedback and exchanges along the way, as I love the ways in which we learn from each other!

And I hope to develop ways that I can offer more specific services through this website, to my strange friends and to friendly strangers alike, that I hope to develop and refine with feedback from all of you lovely folks!

So very excited!

Thank you so much for your past support and for baring witness now, as this new venture comes to life. Please stay tuned for developments, things are moving quickly now!